# /home/rakbukulamo/public_html/lib/SearchEngine/DefaultEngine.php:608^ "Engine ⚙️ : SLiMS\SearchEngine\DefaultEngine"
^ "SQL ⚒️"
^ array:2 [ "count" => "select count(distinct b.biblio_id) from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select bt.biblio_id from biblio_topic as bt left join mst_topic as mt on bt.topic_id=mt.topic_id where mt.topic like ?))" "query" => "select b.biblio_id, b.title, b.image, b.isbn_issn, b.publish_year, mp.publisher_name as `publisher`, mpl.place_name as `publish_place`, b.labels, b.input_date, b.edition, b.collation, b.series_title, b.call_number from biblio as b left join mst_publisher as mp on b.publisher_id=mp.publisher_id left join mst_place as mpl on b.publish_place_id=mpl.place_id where b.opac_hide=0 and (b.biblio_id in(select bt.biblio_id from biblio_topic as bt left join mst_topic as mt on bt.topic_id=mt.topic_id where mt.topic like ?)) order by b.last_update desc limit 50 offset 0" ]
^ "Bind Value ⚒️"
^ array:1 [ 0 => "%PADUAN SUARA%" ]
BIB: 102rnLAM IV: 102-106
Bibl : 180
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemampuan siswa dalam bernyanyi yang tidak menggunakan teknik vokal yang baik dan benar. Siswa bernyanyi tanpa memperhatikan artikulasi dan intonasi yang benar di SMAS Xaverius Prayoga Bukittinggi. Dari pokok permasalahan ini peneliti akan membahas tentang metode Pembelajaran Teknik Vokal Paduan Suara this is me, come alive, the greatest show dan a million …